ePay allows you to accept payments or donations through a custom branded website making it easier for your customers to pay you. BankFinancial will set up your payments website with a unique URL, or customize the site to match your brand and primary website. Your customers can make payments or donations via ACH debit from their checking or savings account or by using a debit or credit card. Most credit card payment platforms are supported, if you currently do not have the ability to accept credit/debit cards, BankFinancial can help.
Available Payment Types
There are four types of payment options available. You have the ability to customize how these options are labeled and displayed to your customers, and to which account(s)/location(s) payments can be made.
- Quick Pay: A one-time payment from your customer that does not require a login to sign in and does not maintain any contact, account, or password information.
- Single Payment: A single payment made by a registered customer to a specific account/location or multiple accounts at once.
- Recurring Payment: Equivalent to a payment plan, the registered customer can set up regularly scheduled payments for the same amount, to be deducted from their checking/savings account or credit/debit card.
- TelePayment: Gives you the ability to complete a payment over the phone for your tenant through ACH, and/or Credit and Debit Card payments. This includes over-the-phone indicators to meet ACH and Debit/Credit card requirements.
Ready to get started using ePay? Click the Contact Us button below to send us an email request or call our Customer Service Center at 1.800.894.6900 and we'll set you up.
Questions? See our Handbooks, User Guides and Videos below.