Over the past several decades in America, we’ve made tremendous strides in helping disabled, or special needs, individuals. Segregation and isolation are giving way to supervised living and mainstreaming.
Welcome though such developments are, they represent an incomplete solution for most families. Caring for those with special needs is an expensive and lifelong proposition. Parents wonder whether they have the financial resources for a special needs child, especially for the period after the parents’ death.
There are planning strategies that can help provide supplemental financial support for a disabled person, without jeopardizing qualification for government assistance. When trusts are created for this purpose, they need to be drafted and administered in accord with government guidelines. Such trusts can provide for a variety of vocational and recreational services, supporting the individual’s dignity and improving his or her quality of life.
When special needs trusts are administered by a corporate trustee, such as us, the assets receive professional management, and the beneficiary receives continuous financial protection.

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